Non Profit

A couple of years ago, I wrote an article an article, which addressed the need for nonprofit organizations to invest in their people and operations. During the last few weeks, I was approached by a major vendor to see about aligning my thought leadership with them. As of this writing, we're still in discussions, but stay tuned, and I...
As I write this, I'm about to begin writing a new book in collaboration with a partner that's been a nonprofit leader in the fundraising and donor management space for more than 30 years. I look forward to writing more about it in the coming weeks and months ahead, as this is an exciting partnership.As I prepare to write...
Here are a few things to keep in mind for your crowdfunded campaignsDon't be over optimistic- It's easy to get overwhelmed with the level of exposure that the power of internet brings with it. Set realistic goals. Not all your page views will translate to donations. It's all right. Trust your network and empower them to promote your campaign....
By now, you're steeped in social media, which is an essential ingredient of your digital marketing for your nonprofit. But as with everything in life, you have to get a little deeper into the details.The paramount rule for nonprofit fundraisers is to create and develop relationships with their donors and supporters. As the adage goes, people give to people.So,...
There's a famous tech story about Steve Jobs related to innovation.One day he walked up to a developer's desk and he placed a manila envelope on it. Then he said to the developer, "Make me a computer that fits in that."What came out of that moment?The Macbook Air.Your Manila EnvelopeI've often written about Steve Jobs because he was a...
"If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him... We need not wait to see what others do." - Mahatma GandhiNot too long ago I posted the following message on Facebook:Seek respect, not attention; it lasts longer.There is real...
According to ISPO News, we make approximately 10,000 decisions a day, and "products that evoke emotions always win." Humans base 90 percent of their decisions on emotion, which when you think about it is an astounding statistic. Nonprofits have a distinct advantage over for-profit businesses in offering their donors a lot of what they need for their decisions, emotion.Fortunately,...
We're soon at the close of another year, and if you're like me, you're keeping your sights focused through the windshield instead of the rearview mirror. The philanthropic sector continues to evolve, as is everything in society because of forces such as wealth, technology, and globalization.When I started my nonprofit more than a decade ago, we were in a...
Working at a nonprofit organization can be challenging. While the mission of the company is rewarding, due to the service-based nature, it can be tough to get the funding you need to successfully market and promote yourself. Here are four ways you can start promoting your nonprofit organization without spending a lot of money.Employ Word-Of-MouthOne of the best advertising...
One of the leading nonprofit resources is Nonprofit Pro. One of the reasons my team and I like them so much is because they provide organizations real, relevant and engaging information that is essential for the current fundraising environment. In other words, they're not providing the same, old and tired solutions for nonprofit challenges.Between November 12th and 14th in...

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